I am every tree, every freefalling stream water, the hum and sway, the forever aching upward
Magic Egg
The egg felt funny on her forehead as he gently rubbed it in circles.
So I am removing this vicious tuft, i am proclaiming myself an eternal lover, eternally unloved
the downward spiral
I am so sorry I did not save you I just sat there I said nothing
A Whole Garden
I think I have put myself through
too much lately
Grenadine Grenades
I sip in the sweetness but still I am scared of the wideness of the world and the smallness of me
My First Destroyer
And I know you’ll hate this poem, you’ll say it’s too much gore
So I will be the keeper of your taxidermy memory if you will let me
Under the Pews
The Lord is my Shepherd, I want to hide under the pews.
Adelaide, pliant as smoke, blown by the breeze, drinking the gifts of helpless jokesters