By Nerissa Liu Amber sunlight seeped from the dusty windows and cascaded onto Claver Walton’s pen and notebook. Two years ago, he pledged his life to the tech […]
4:30, 5:00, and 9:00 p.m.
By Anna Jung At retirement, it had seen seventeen years. Its skin gleamed in a sleek, greyish-silverhue. Its form was round and elongated—a classic beauty to those with […]
Personal Essay
By Elyse Austin Yet another alarm goes off.It’s 3 A.M.I’m rubbing my eyes in disbelief.How is it that an 18-year-old is taking care of her dying mother in […]
Poem #2
By Elizabeth Estrada The lines drawn between us are made of chalkkept together through the cult of culturebut when do these chalk-drawn lines become glued to the cement?when […]
Judgment Day
By Elizabeth Estrada can I be late to judgment day?or will that be added to my list of sins?my words spill out like the gust of wind you […]
Work In Early January
Even as I write this there is something so intangible about this intimate space that we exist in together.
Deliriums Chpt 2
The fierce airs of the storm, as it involved our lungs and howled in our frames, would inspire in us the revolutionary acrimony of heaven
FC Scribblings
I am every tree, every freefalling stream water, the hum and sway, the forever aching upward
Magic Egg
The egg felt funny on her forehead as he gently rubbed it in circles.
So I am removing this vicious tuft, i am proclaiming myself an eternal lover, eternally unloved