For career aspirations, I hope to apply my writing and communication skills to the creative side of business, particularly marketing.
Meet Liam!
My love for reading stems as far back as elementary school, where I formed an early connection to literature while reading the works of Dr. Seuss and Roald Dah
Meet Michael!
Growing up in post-apartheid South Africa helped me gain perspective into what truly generates peace and, consequently, prosperity: compromise and cooperation.
Meet Taylor!
Being a part of the English Undergraduate Association (EUA) has significantly changed my experience in studying English at Cal.
Meet Kiran!
Cal and the EUA have jumpstarted me on the right track of success and knowledge!
Meet Sydney!
I loved taking the UC Hogwarts DeCal and finding friends in my classmates—sweet, intelligent, fun folks who love Harry Potter as much as I do.
Meet Selden!
I’m also a musician. I play acoustic guitar and I rap. My stage name is Tommy Luck.