by Ryan Laffin
A forge-bright sky cools to ash grey,
as people seek shelter from pouring rain.
We two here, soak it all in,
content with the raindrops shielding our skin,
watching the world from stories above,
the unstoppable rushing and bustling of
a whole world that refuses to look up
Headlights transform into moving stars,
only beautiful when seen from afar.
Seen from rooftops, embellished by rain,
as each new driver stops to complain
we two see the stars rush on their way,
never stopping to enjoy the glimmering grey
just trying to escape to the end of the day.
We stargaze alone, safe on the roof
watching the cars as each slowly moves.
Looking up at the cloud-filled night sky
never bothering to consider why,
simply hoping the rain never stops,
hearing the percussion, drip drop drip drop,
we’ll dance in the rain, even if the others do not.